99.99% purity is essential to minimize contamination of colloidal silver with trace metal elements. Each order will be accompanied by a copy of the inspection certificate proving the purity and chemical composition of the silver wire.

A 3.1 certificate is issued by an independent authority and is validated by the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative. This is an inspection certificate according to EN ISO 10204:2005 that declares the wire is made of 99.99% fine silver that has total allowable impurities of 100 ppm (parts per million). The analysis was performed using the ICP-OES method (Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy)

Colloidal silver is a solution that contains tiny particles of silver suspended in a liquid, usually water. The silver particles in the solution are typically less than 100 nanometers in diameter.

Colloidal silver is made by a process called electrolysis, in which an electric current is passed through two silver electrodes that are immersed in distilled water. This causes silver particles to be released from the electrodes and into the water, creating a suspension of silver particles in the liquid.

The concentration of silver particles in the solution can vary depending on the production method, but typically ranges from 5 to 20 parts per million (ppm). It’s important to note that the quality and safety of colloidal silver products can vary greatly depending on the production method, purity of the silver used, and other factors.

Colloidal silver offers various benefits such as shielding against bacterial infection, enhancing skin health, and reinforcing the immune system, among others. Numerous studies have discovered that using colloidal silver can strengthen the immune system’s ability to defend against bacterial pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

The most prevalent and trustworthy usage of colloidal silver is for healing skin wounds. When applied to a wound, a few drops of colloidal silver can protect it against infections and create a robust barrier against foreign substances on the body’s largest organ.

Skin inflammations such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and acne are widespread. The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and speedy healing qualities of colloidal silver make it a suitable remedy for these topical problems. However, it’s crucial to use it in moderation as even a small amount of colloidal silver is potent.

Yes, colloidal silver can interact with other medications and dietary supplements, which can affect their effectiveness and increase the risk of side effects.

For example, colloidal silver can interact with antibiotics, such as tetracycline and quinolones, by reducing their effectiveness. It can also interact with thyroid medications, such as levothyroxine, by interfering with their absorption and effectiveness.

Colloidal silver can also interact with other dietary supplements, such as vitamin E and iron, by reducing their absorption.

Proper storage of colloidal silver is important to maintain its quality and effectiveness. Here are some general guidelines for storing colloidal silver:

  • Keep it in a dark, cool place: Colloidal silver should be stored away from light and heat to prevent it from breaking down and losing its potency. A cool, dark cupboard or pantry is a good place to store it.
  • Use a glass container: Colloidal silver should be stored in a glass container, as plastic or metal containers can interact with the silver particles and affect its quality.
  • Keep it away from electromagnetic fields: Colloidal silver should be stored away from electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by electronic devices and appliances, as they can affect the stability and potency of the silver particles.
  • Check the expiration date: Colloidal silver has a shelf life, and its effectiveness can decrease over time. Be sure to check the expiration date before using it, and dispose of any expired or degraded colloidal silver.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your colloidal silver remains effective and safe for use.

The shelf life of colloidal silver can vary depending on the manufacturing process and storage conditions. Generally, high-quality colloidal silver stored in a dark, cool place in a glass container can have a shelf life of several years.

However, it is important to check the expiration date on the product label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for storage and use. Improper storage or handling can cause the silver particles to agglomerate, reduce their potency, and shorten the shelf life of colloidal silver.

Testing the effectiveness and purity of colloidal silver can be done through various methods, including laboratory testing and physical observations. Here are some common methods for testing colloidal silver:

  • Particle size analysis: Colloidal silver is made up of microscopic silver particles suspended in water. The particle size can affect the effectiveness and safety of the product. Particle size analysis can be done using a laser diffraction instrument to measure the size distribution of the silver particles.
  • Concentration testing: The concentration of silver particles in colloidal silver can be tested using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). These methods can determine the amount of silver in the solution and help ensure that the product contains the advertised concentration.
  • Microbial testing: Colloidal silver can be tested for microbial contamination, such as bacteria or fungi, to ensure its purity and safety for use.
  • Visual inspection: Colloidal silver should be clear and colorless, without any visible particles or discoloration. Any discoloration, cloudiness, or visible particles may indicate impurities or degradation of the product.

It is possible to make colloidal silver at home using a few basic materials and equipment. Here is a general procedure for making colloidal silver:


  • Pure silver wire
  • Distilled water
  • Glass jar or container
  • Battery charger or other power source
  • Electrical tape
  • Stirring utensil


  1. Clean the silver wire with a cloth to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Fill the glass jar or container with distilled water.
  3. Place the silver wire in the water so it is submerged.
  4. Attach the positive and negative leads of the power source to the silver wire, respectively. Use electrical tape to secure the wires in place.
  5. Turn on the power source (9-30V) and allow the solution to stir for several hours. The length of time required for the solution to produce colloidal silver will depend on the strength of the power source.
  6. Once the solution has reached the desired concentration, turn off the power source and remove the silver wire from the solution.
  7. Use a stirring utensil to mix the solution thoroughly.
  8. Store the colloidal silver in a clean glass container away from direct sunlight and heat.

The ideal ratio of silver to water in the production of colloidal silver can vary depending on the specific manufacturing process and desired concentration of the product. However, a commonly recommended ratio is 1 part pure silver to 10 parts pure water, or 10% silver and 90% water.

It is important to note that the quality of the water used in the production of colloidal silver is also important, as impurities in the water can affect the quality and effectiveness of the final product. Distilled water or deionized water is often recommended for use in the production of colloidal silver to minimize impurities.

The reason silver particles remain dispersed in the solution when making colloidal silver is due to the process of electrolysis. During electrolysis, an electric current is passed through the silver wire submerged in water, causing the silver particles to be released into the solution.

As the silver particles are released into the solution, they become electrically charged and repel each other, preventing them from clumping together and settling to the bottom of the container. Instead, the charged silver particles remain dispersed throughout the solution, creating a colloidal suspension.

The stability of the colloidal suspension can be influenced by several factors, such as the concentration of the silver particles, the size of the particles, and the quality of the water used. Proper production techniques, such as using distilled water and controlling the current and time of electrolysis, can help ensure the stability and quality of the colloidal silver product.

In colloidal silver solutions, the silver particles are typically not made up of single atoms of silver. Instead, the particles are usually clusters of multiple silver atoms that are stabilized and suspended in the solution.

The size and shape of the silver particles can vary depending on the manufacturing process and conditions. The ideal size of silver particles in colloidal silver is generally considered to be between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter. Particles that are too small may be less effective, while particles that are too large may be less stable and more likely to clump together.

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